Monday, May 10, 2010

Top 10 Entrepreneur Uprises

1.Economic Turmoil
2.Green Power
Thanks to government incentives and changing public sentiment, clean energy is the most popular kid on the green movement block. The stimulus plan poured billions into renewable energy, automakers are all but predicting electric gridlock within the next few years, and everyone who's anyone in the electric power industry is investing in the "smart grid."

If the money being thrown around is any indication, that's just the tip of the slowly melting iceberg. Cleantech Group, an industry research firm, reports venture capital investment in clean technology--including solar, biofuels, batteries and the smart grid--overtook IT and biotech for the biggest piece of the VC pie. The sector swiped 27 percent of all investment dollars in the third quarter--that's $1.6 billion.

3.The senior Market
4.Discount Retail
5.Local Business
7.Parental Outsourcing
8.Health and Wellness
10.Affordable Alcohol
10 1/2. Pets

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