Thursday, June 3, 2010

Randy Pausch (Time Management)

Best way to teach something is to make them think they are learning something else. ”Head Fake”. Loyalty is a 2-way street. Brick walls let us show who really wants to achieve there goals, and who isn’t that dedicated. Raise the bar to get the best out of your students. Always treat others with care. Always have a Fun attitude. "Experience is what you get when you dont want it". Don't be Arrogant. Arrogance can limit you on conquering your goals
•Do not give up striving for your dreams: Even if you do not achieve them, there is still a lot that you can gain out of trying.
•Do not give up when you fail to get what you want: You have gained experience in the process instead.
•Do not give up when you face obstacles in your path. The obstacles are there for a reason: Not to keep you out but rather, let you prove how much you want something.
•Do not feel offended or discouraged when other people point out your mistakes and shortcomings. They do so because they care and want to help you become better. When no one points out to you that you have done a bad job, it just means that all of them have already given up on you.
•Do not complain and whine: Doing so does not you to solve the problem. Instead, work harder. That will be more helpful to you in the long run.

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