Friday, February 19, 2010

Mark Zuckerberg ( Facebook )

Mark Zuckerberg is the proud founder of Facebook. They project him to be worth around 4 billion dollars. He is a Harvard drop out that now owns of of the biggest online companies. He is a rich 25 year old but yet doesn't spend his money. He lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and sleeps on a mattress. His hiring report was based on the ability to adapt and learn with intelligence. You need to find people that believe in what they are doing. Mark has been programming when he was only 13 creating programs to help communicate with other workers for his fathers office. He then created a music player named Synapse, this program got offers from both AOL and MICROSOFT, but he decided to turn them down and attend Harvard University. The main thing to keep success is to keep it together with a friendly attitude and let people feel free instead of having them be insecure.Myspace Vs. Facebook This is a clash between to two online chatting programs. Myspace drop off the charts as more and more people tended to side with Facebook. Myspace dropped due to the fact of the insecure pages while Facebooks page are secure to people that you want to allow. Also Facebook has a larger variety of applications and more stuff to do then Myspace. Facebook is also a simpler program to operate then myspace.

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