Thursday, February 18, 2010

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs started with nothing but found a way to create one of the biggest company's ( Apple ). You cannot connect the dots looking forward only looking into the past. Steve got fired from a company that he had created. Love what you do, if you haven't found it keep looking and don't settle. If you live your life to the last some day you will be right. Steve was diagnosed with a toomer in his pancreas, at the time he was told he would only live 3-4 more months. He over came it and they found a cure and is now living today.
  • Stay hunger (never be satisfied) stay foolish (keep dreaming)
  • No one wants to die not even the ones who want to go to heaven.
  • time is limited don't let someone else control it .
  • follow your heart and don't let someone lead you in other directions.
  • You cannot connect the dots looking forward only looking back.
  • What ever happens in your life was meant to happen, embrace what happens
  • Live life forward but its understand it backwards
  • Good comes out of the Bad

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